The Fine Print
May buy 1 for yourself and 2 additional as gifts. May redeem 1 per household per visit. Appointments required and subject to availability. Merchant cancellation/rescheduling policy of 48 hours applies; voucher subject to forfeiture. Distance restrictions apply; service area includes Salt Lake, Utah County, Weber/Davis, St. George, Northern Utah, Park City, Uintah Basin, Central Utah, Price, Western Utah, and South Eastern Utah. All services must be redeemed during a single visit by same household.
Expires 6 months after purchase. See the terms that apply to all deals.
Three Options Available
- $55 for Exterior Window Cleaning (Including Screens) for 15 Windows ($110 Value)
- $75 for Exterior Window Cleaning (Including Screens) for 20 Windows ($150 Value)
- $99 for Exterior and Interior Window Cleaning (Including Screens) for 30 Windows ($210 Value)
Get a "paneless view" when you take advantage of this deal from Elite Window Cleaners. They want every customer to be proud of the services they provide and they go to any extent to make those wishes come true.
How to Redeem
- Print your voucher (log into your account and click "My Printable Deals")
- Click here to schedule an appointment
- For additional times, call (801) 808-9537
- Present printed voucher at time of appointment