Edmon Starfish .925 Sterling Silver Plated Necklace ($18 Value)

Hollywood Sensation

Salt Lake City


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The Fine Print

May buy 1 for yourself and any additional as gifts. May redeem 1 per customer. All sales final, no returns unless product is defective. No cash value. Shipping within the US only. Shipping is $4 per item and will be charged at checkout on www.hollywoodsensation.com. Please allow 7-10 business days for delivery. Expires 6 months after purchase. See the terms that apply to all deals.

What's Included

    • $16 for Edmon Starfish .925 Sterling Silver Plated Necklace ($18 Value)

This beautiful Edmon Starfish is a unique piece to add to your collection.

Hollywood Sensations has a direct supplier of high quality Sterling Silver Plated Stamped 925 and the finest freshwater pearls. Due to being an online retailer, their overhead is much lower than traditional jewelry stores and they are able to pass on the savings to their customers.

Hollywood Sensation

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