The Fine Print
May buy 1 for yourself and 1 additional as a gift. May redeem 1 per household. Valid within 35 miles of zip code 84094. Must use entire value in 1 visit. Appointment required and subject to availability. Merchant cancellation policy of 24 hours applies or voucher may be forfeit. Extra fee applies for ceiling ducts on ceilings over 12 feet tall. Valid for 2 returns and 12 air ducts. Extra $20 for additional returns; extra $13 for additional ducts.
Expires 6 months after purchase. See the terms that apply to all deals.
Two Options Available
- $75 for Air Duct Cleaning of 12 Vents & 2 Returns ($500 Value)
- $119 for Air Duct Cleaning of 12 Vents, 2 Returns & Anti-Allergy Treatment ($620 Value)
Clean the air in your home with Green House Carpet Care's air duct service. Not only does cleaner air improve your health and reduce stress on your HVAC system, it also helps with allergies; especially with Green House's anti-allergy treatment.