Dinner, Ice Cream & Movie Tickets for Two - Spanish Fork

"Mr. Grill" at Sub Zero Ice Cream & Water Gardens Movie Theater


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The Fine Print

May buy 2 for yourself and 2 additional as gifts. Limit 1 voucher per group. Only valid Tuesday - Thursday. Must use entire value in 1 visit. Print two copies of your voucher and present one to "Mr. Grill" at Sub Zero Ice Cream and one to Water Gardens Movie Theater. Each voucher code is only valid for 1 use at each location. Quantities are limited and may not be available again after the deal is sold out. Only valid for the options listed on this voucher. Does not include sales tax. Expires 4 months after purchase. See the terms that apply to all deals.

What's Included

    • Two Single Burgers, 2 Medium Fries, 2 Large Sodas, 2 Small Ice Creams with 1 Free Mixin each from "Mr. Grill" at Sub Zero Ice Cream ($20.60 Value)
    • Two Movie Tickets from Water Gardens Movie Theater ($8 Value) - Spanish Fork

How to Find & Use Your Voucher

    1. Locate your voucher (log into your account and click "My Printable Deals")
    3. Present one voucher to "Mr. Grill" at Sub Zero Ice Cream
    4. Present one voucher to Water Gardens Movie Theater
    5. Each voucher is only valid for 1 use at each location
    6. Vouchers are only valid Tuesday - Thurdsay

"Mr. Grill" at Sub Zero Ice Cream combines the two foods Utahns love most in one convenient location: American-style burgers and delicious, rich ice cream. Once your guilty-cravings are satisfied, what's better than a cinematic experience? Water Gardens Movie Theater offers movies and concessions for a fraction of the price, and is extremely family-friendly!

Business Hours

"Mr. Grill" at Sub Zero Ice Cream Hours
Monday - Thursday: 11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Saturday & Sunday: 11:00 am - 10:30 pm
Closed Sundays

Water Gardens Movie Theater Hours
Monday - Saturday: 10:30 am - 11:45 pm
Closed Sundays

Vouchers are only valid Tuesday - Thursday