40% Off Belgian Waffles, Pancakes & Omelets

Belgian Waffle & Omelet Inn



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The Fine Print

May buy any quantity. May redeem any quantity per visit. This offer is good for a $20 punch card that can be used over multiple visits. No expiration date.See the terms that apply to all deals.

What's Included

    • $12 for $20 Worth of Belgian Waffles, Pancakes & Omelets

Belgian Waffle & Omelet Inn provides homemade excellence for the hungry appetite; whether you're craving a delicious breakfast, an appetizing lunch, or a delectable dinner. Click here to see the full menu.

How to Find & Use Your Voucher

    1. During checkout, choose between "Shipping" or "Pick Up"
    2. If you choose "Shipping", we'll ship your order – watch for it in the mail
    3. If you choose "Pick Up", our address is 14441 S 980 W in Bluffdale, UT. We are open Monday - Friday from 9am to 5pm
    4. Click here to download directions to our office
    5. Present voucher at Belgian Waffle & Omelet Inn

Belgian Waffle & Omelet Inn has been providing the community with a warm country environment since 1979.  Stop by and have breakfast anytime of the day or night! Belgian Waffle & Omelet Inn offers lunch and dinner choices as well.

Business Hours

Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Belgian Waffle & Omelet Inn

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